A Change of Heart
Those of you I have spoken with recently know I am already deep into the nesting phase of pregnancy. I am dying to organize every detail of our existence in preparation for Little One. Mostly, that means I have forced us into an all-consuming house hunt. I have been so desperate for more space/an extra bedroom that I was ready for suburbia to supply my demands. Tonight I decided I'm not as ready as I thought. Jeremy and I walked four blocks to dinner, crossed the street to Powell's Books, and then hit up Cupcake Jones on the way home. I don't think I'm ready to give up this type of convenience. Now, if we can just find the perfect two bedroom loft...
I am hoping that the PERFECT place falls in your lap so that you can be all ready for the little one!!!
Walking distance to Powell's? Priceless! :)
What's the latest? When are you due? Do you know what you are having?
Hola! I am due Sept. 14 (Go September B-days! :) I have my 20 week ultrasound at the end of this month... I'm dying to know!!!
ps- lately Jer and I have been saying how the rainy days make us want to move to AZ... wanna be my neighbor? :)
There are so many cool neighborhoods with unique identities in Portland. They are filled with beautiful, old homes and the (typically) non-traditional folks that populate this great city. Another plus is that their charm can be appreciated on short walks or bike rides, much like your NW neighborhood. Judging by the content on your blog, you might feel at home near Mississippi on the eastside. Your new little one (congrats, by the way) might appreciate a bit of yard too. Take care!
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