Friday, January 29, 2010

Fly Away Friday

Headed up north this weekend. We celebrate The Mister's B-day in Seattle every year. A few years ago for his 30th, I earned wife of the decade award by surprising him with a sunset helicopter ride. It was one of the most incredible experiences of our lives. After our tour of the city we landed on a dock in front of the restaurant we had dinner reservations at. It was a beautiful evening- see for yourself:

imagine how pretty they'd be with a little photoshop magic...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Love

Did a little Valentine's photo shoot this morning.
Can't wait to show you on Feb. 14th...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Blue Monday

Went thrift shopping with my Mom and at Red, White and Blue and I found the above blue treasures. We also went to the doctor where G got three shots and then on to the DMV. If that's not a blue Monday, I don't know what is.

ps- apologies, apologies... I pressed "save" the other day instead of "publish" so this post is just showing up on Thursday... oops! :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Bacon, Eggs and Mustaches

This girl is four months old today
Not really old enough to grow a mustache (let's hope she never is) but she even makes that look cute. New Years Day we wore mustaches to breakfast at the delicious Gallery in Sisters, OR. I knew it was a crazy idea, but crazy in a funny way I thought. Our waitress failed to see the humor... I hope it's not lost on you.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Central OR treated us right over the holidays. We got a respectable number of snowflakes and a healthy dose of relaxation/family time. I have been wanting to post pictures of our adventures there but that task has joined all my other new years resolutions somewhere far far away from my current reality. I really intend to post them before it becomes too ridiculously late to even think about it (that's last year after all) but I wanted to get something up here on my little blog right now. I left our vacation feeling nothing but hope for the new year. I made LOTS of plans for the things I intended to accomplish (sometimes I forget I'm not super-human, ever happen to you?) Then I got home and Gemma forgot how to sleep (actually that happened on vacay but I had hoped she just needed her own bed) and I felt like a zombie all week and didn't make a lick of progress toward my intended new year habits. So I decided to come up with a new list. Just the fun things I want to do this year. I won't throw the old list out but I will promise myself to value the new one too. Here it is...

1. Take my 7 year old niece to the rollerskating rink I always went to as a kid and bring my camera. And maybe wear tutus.

2. Frequent this photo booth. And this one.

3. Try 10 new restaurants
4. Form a photography club... this one inspires me
5. Float the Deschutes River and play on the rope swing
6. Participate in Renegade Craft Fair

7. Make a photo everyday (BTW, Jeremy Claus made my dreams come true by gifting me with this baby for Christmas:)
8. Learn to crochet
9. Finish my photo wall (will show you when finished)
10. Go to Powells Books more
11. Play my guitar well enough to do it in front of somebody else (somebody, not somebodies)and maybe well enough to justify getting a new one next Christmas. Do I have to change my name to "The artist formerly known as Carrie" to get away with a purple one?
12. Show Gemma the ocean
13. Keep a journal... and blog.