The attention I give my home and its appearance comes in spurts. I get in these moods where all I want to do is look at decor magz and shop online and then I get obsessed and want do buy and do everything that will make my home the perfect representation of who I am and the things that make me happy. It's overwhelming. I quickly get burned out and move on to something else until the next home make-over mood strikes. I've decided to change my ways. I'm just going to do a little here and a little there as I come across beautiful things or fun DIY projects. We sold a bunch of stuff on Craigslist when we moved in January and hadn't spent all our earnings. Here are some of the ways I've spent, or want to spend our loot: I bought a map of Portland from 1911 on ebay, blew it up and hung it above the fireplace using some of IKEA's fabulous hardware offerings. I'm real proud of this next one... I've been searching for a pendant drum light but struggled to find one I liked that was also affordable. Then Red, White and Blue (the best thrift store ever) came through for me. They had this shade still in the wrapping for $3.95. I didn't like the off-white color so I dyed it ($3.00 RIT dye). Lastly I needed the electrical hardware so off to IKEA I drove. Their stand-alone cord system doesn't really stand-alone but they did have an entire light fixture on clearance for $1.99 so after a little shade-swap here is my $8.94 pendant drum light: Mom, go ahead and wipe those proud tears from your eyes... you've taught me well. Now that I have the light fixture, my dining room will be finished as soon as I get this beauty (the rug, not the dog) from Cb2 to replace our too-small existing one:
I just ordered this funky coat rack from Urban for the strange alcove in our entryway that I never new what to do with.
Here's our reading corner, soon to be more interesting when this rug arrives (also from Urban) And when I can get a lamp like this one:
DUDE your apartment ROCKS!!! My husband would NEVER let me decorate like this...=( We need to get to gether and go shooting!!! Did you ever get my e-mail?!
You are insane! Your dining room looks like a catalog. That is beautiful. Way to go on the light fixture and aI am totally doing the map idea in my home (with your permission of course.)
I love your style! So Chums.
I also LOVE your style! I love the orange coat rack and I love the blue book shelves. Very very cool. Wish I could see it in person!
DUDE your apartment ROCKS!!! My husband would NEVER let me decorate like this...=( We need to get to gether and go shooting!!! Did you ever get my e-mail?!
Chums, your apartment is divine! So fun and vibrant!!
You are insane! Your dining room looks like a catalog. That is beautiful. Way to go on the light fixture and aI am totally doing the map idea in my home (with your permission of course.)
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