Late in August I ran Hood to Coast with my friend Amber. It is the largest or longest (or something like that) relay race in the world. It covers 197 miles from Mount Hood to Seaside Beach. Here is a picture of me finishing my first leg... and speaking of legs, I'm pretty proud of the muscular tone seen here: And this is the song that without which, I would never have finished my last and longest and hottest leg. They would still be searching that gravel logging road for some sign of me curled up in the fetal position. Thank the heavens above for my i-pod.
Hey, it's Amanda, of "Amanda and Rob: Friends of Matt & Lisa". Happy belated B-day! That necklace Lisa made is awesome! I myself would totally purchase one. It was fun getting to know you guys. Hopefully we will hang with the four of you again sometime in the not-so-distant future.
Carrie- I am green with envy over your gorgeous legs. Do you know where I can get a pair? I really like the song. It has a great beat. Thanks for introducing me to Mirah!
Okay....look who found your blog!!Yeah! I am so excited! At least maybe we can kind of keep in touch better this way! We have so much to catch up on! You look like you are doing great....I love your blog! Keep in touch!
Carrie, I discovered your awesome blog! It is so good to "hear" your voice on here. Man, it makes me miss your stinkin' guts. Listening to the Mirah song make me feel so connected to you. Love that song. I heard it first on So you think you can dance. We actually saw the SYTYCD tour in Detroit. Congrats on the hood to coast run. And did I pick up that you are YW president? We need to talk sister. love you, em
Hey, it's Amanda, of "Amanda and Rob: Friends of Matt & Lisa". Happy belated B-day! That necklace Lisa made is awesome! I myself would totally purchase one. It was fun getting to know you guys. Hopefully we will hang with the four of you again sometime in the not-so-distant future.
Carrie- I am green with envy over your gorgeous legs. Do you know where I can get a pair? I really like the song. It has a great beat. Thanks for introducing me to Mirah!
Okay....look who found your blog!!Yeah! I am so excited! At least maybe we can kind of keep in touch better this way! We have so much to catch up on! You look like you are doing great....I love your blog! Keep in touch!
Carrie! You like Mirah too?! She is so epic. I have her CD, its sooo good.
I discovered your awesome blog! It is so good to "hear" your voice on here. Man, it makes me miss your stinkin' guts. Listening to the Mirah song make me feel so connected to you. Love that song. I heard it first on So you think you can dance.
We actually saw the SYTYCD tour in Detroit. Congrats on the hood to coast run. And did I pick up that you are YW president? We need to talk sister. love you, em
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