I have a confession...
...I'm really good at eating sweets. No, really. You might think you are, but I guarantee you're a total light-weight when compared to me. You probably eat half a cupcake and then say "This is so rich, I'm going to be sick." Or maybe you finish it but then you say "Wow, why did I eat that? I feel sick." I know you. I've been to dessert with you. You share with your husband. You even let him pick and then "just have a few bites". Pathetic. Me? I ate a three-course dinner at St. Cupcake tonight. No lie. My friend (who requested she remain nameless) came over, we took a walk, we stopped at aforementioned bakery, we closed the place down. Course #1- Pumpkin Spice. Course #2- Fat Elvis (involves banana, chocolate, peanut butter). Course #3- Pumpkin Spice. Now if that's not a balanced meal I don't know what is. Totally satisfying. You will not hear of any "feeling sick" on my part. At least not until my next doctor appt. when I have to step on the scale... eek.
Yum, oh yum!! Sounds delightful. I think I could have gone those rounds with you and kept up! :) I love cake.
So funny. But it is good to develop the child's appreciation for good, sweet food early. If you have to do it in one sitting, so be it. :)
Actually, my best friend did that last week. But with 2 regular sized and 2 dots. Of course, they were purchased with the intention of me getting half when we met later that day. She confessed that she ate them all when she got home.
I'm getting real excited for your due date. I really wish I could see some pics of you looking pregnant. Wow. I'd sure enjoy that. I sure hope you honor your promise. ;-)
Oh, how I miss you. I need another Shrex with you.
Ah, the picture you posted of that tantalizing, glorious, delectable cupcake brings back such sweet memories of...of the time once a really long time ago when my husband ordered one at a restaurant and I had a teensy little nibble and was sick all night from the richness of it. (How do people eat those things? Did you say you had more than one? Disgusting!)
Hey Carrie! How have you been? I love your work. I have to say that I would probably win you in a dessert eating contest. i'm sorry, but it's true.
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