...but I'm caught in the sleepless zone somewhere between restless leg syndrome (a lovely pregnancy side-effect) and anxiety surrounding labor & delivery. Not a total loss, it has provided web-surfing opportunity in which I am adding to my birthday wish list. I mostly just want new clothes (anything I haven't worn 3 days in a row and with room for a belly will be a much-welcomed change). There are some fun non-clothing items I've got my eye on as well. Like a pretty granny square afghan to snuggle this fall & winter. This one's amazing and she has so many more rad ones... super talented! And this "She told her story to the stars" journal on etsy:
And at the risk of being annoyingly obsessed with miniature things... mini credit card sized poloroids! I want this camera!!! Fujifilm Instax Mini 7S Instant Film Camera
I know that posting a "sorry I never post" post is ridiculously lame. So I'm not gonna say it. I just want to clear things up in case you thought it was because I had a baby. It's not. In fact just this morning my much-adored husband did an awesome job when I asked him to shoot some prego pics of me. That's me at 39.5 weeks. The one below is a cheater TtV (done in photoshop) because I thought having him tackle my TtV contraption would be asking too much. I may have time for a few more posts before Little One arrives where I can share a few things I've been up to... If not, stay tuned to see her sweet face. I know I can't wait to.