That's a line from a song by Priscilla Ahn and whenever I think about the things I'm going to share with you, it always comes to mind.
I generally subscribe to the philosophy of the photographer Rodney Smith who said "I want people to see the beauty and whimsy of life, not its ugliness." Times like this however, I feel that life has ugliness that must be addressed to be overcome.
A few weeks ago, Jeremy and I saw this movie:
I first heard about the issue of human trafficking years ago and felt scared and overwhelmed. My sudden awareness to the depth and breadth of sadness in the world brought me to tears. That's all I knew to do. It seemed too big and too powerful for little me to stop it. My tears, my mourning other people's hardship was the first step in my desire to free them from it. It is too big for just me, but this movie gave me hope that in numbers we can change the world. It was changed dramatically during the abolitionist movement. It's been done before, why not now? This is a 21st Century abolitionist movement. Good is more powerful than evil, light dispels darkness, we have the power, we just have to respond. It is unacceptable to allow these crimes to continue. "Justice is what love looks like in public." These children and young women deserve justice, they deserve love. I intend to fight for them.
"It's come into my life for a reason, I have to respond."
The wheels in my brain haven't stopped turning since I saw the movie. I have a few ideas to pursue and I'll need your help. Until my plans start to materialize, visit the Call + Response website for ways to get involved. Still not feeling your power? Watch this video and listen to the Five For Fighting song beneath it.....everyday......until you believe it.
"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can
change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead